stencil writing
For the art exhibition a made a white kiwi stencil that was spray-painted blue on the concrete near the wood.
Do you know how you can make a stencil? Heres how:
- You need scissors or a stanley knife,laminated sheet ,permanent marker and spray-paint (any color)
- Find a picture on google pictures that you want
- Get your laminated sheet and permanent maker
- Draw separate parts
- Cut the bits out
- Get your laminated sheet with holes
- Get your spray-paint (any color)
- Find somewhere to spray-paint your stencil
- Spray-paint your stencil that place that you probably like
- Take a picture of it and maybe share it but if you want to you're done!
Why? Well it is cool and fun to make and make a find-the-stencil game out of it and even make the find -the- stencil game.
I like stencil writing